Essentials in Health Research Methodology

The course "Essentials in Health Research Methodology" aims to offer you an overview of the latest research methods used in Health Sciences. This program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the latest research methods used in Health Sciences, helping you gain a deeper understanding of research methodology as a whole. Throughout the course, you'll have the opportunity to learn from and interact with renowned Health Sciences experts from Basel. We're thrilled to be offering this course in partnership with the Department of Clinical Research (DKF) and the PhD program in Health Sciences (PPHS) at the University of Basel. Get ready to expand your knowledge, grow as a professional, and take your research skills to the next level!

The course covers 4 modules:
1. Health Economics, Public Health and Public Health Policy
2. Qualitative Research, Questionnaires and Surveys
3. Observational Studies and Analysis of Observational Datasets
4. Randomized Controlled Trials

Each module will be covered by face-to-face teaching (1 day in total) in combination with pre-reading and home assignments. The course serves to provide an introduction to the different modules and will cover basics only. Each topic consists of 2 blocks of 4h. Please see the course schedule below for details on the individual blocks.

PhD students of Clinical Research, Epidemiology, Nursing Science, Public Health /Epidemiology incl. Insurance Medicine, and Sport Science registered in PPHS.

External participants who fulfil similar eligibility criteria as the PPHS PhD students: PhD students from the disciplines above, but not registered in PPHS, or from other faculties or PhD schools, PostDocs, MDs, Clinical Research professionals from academia or industry with minimum M.Sc. qualification.

No prior knowledge of the specific topic is required.

Minimum 10 and maximum 15 registered participants per module. 5 places are reserved for non-PPHS participants.

  • Dr. Andrea Kiemen
  • Dr. Anja Matthiä

Experts from the Medical Faculty, University of Basel

Andrea Kiemen
Team Training & Education
Department of Clinical Research, University of Basel, c/o University Hospital; +41 61 328 5956

Anja Matthiä
PPHS; +41 61 284 8817

CHF 750 each module (Fee includes course materials)
CHF 3'000 4 modules (Fee includes course materials)
Reduced course fee DKF research group members (for details see *)

PPHS is covering the course fees for PhD students registered to PPHS.

  • *) The Department of Clinical Research (DKF) offers training granta for members of DKF research groups which result in a reduced fee of CHF 375 each module. Please note, that training grants can only be offered to DKF clinical research group members, who are working at the group leaders’ local study center.
  • Limited free places available for PhD Students of the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel or at Swiss TPH.

The reduction will be applied when registering for the program.

Medical Faculty of the University of Basel

Dates 2025

  • Module 1: Health Economics, Public Health and Public Health Policy, (January 6 & 8), Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.191 and U1.197

  • Module 2: Qualitative Research, Questionnaires and Surveys (January 14 & 16), Biozentrum, Seminarraum U1.191

  • Module 3: Observational Studies and Analysis of Observational Datasets (January 20 & 22), Biozentrum Seminarraum U1.191 and U1.197

  • Module 4: Randomized Controlled Trials (February 4 & 12), Biozentrum, Seminarraum 02.073 and U1.191

All courses will be taking place from 13.00 - 17.00 h in Biozentrum, Spitalstrasse 41 or Kollegienhaus/Petersgraben 50, Basel

The course language is English including course materials provided for preparation.

Requirements for completing the course
To complete the course, you need to:

  • Prepare for each block by studying relevant material chosen by the lecturer. You will receive your pre-reading material in due time before the block.
  • Be present at all course blocks of your chosen topics. Attendance will be taken at each block.
  • Complete an assessment of your acquired knowledge at the end of the block. This may be a small quiz or a written assignment.

If all requirements have been met, you will receive a certificate for 15 hours for each module you have successfully completed. If 2-3 modules are taken, 1 ECTS is awarded. If 4 modules are completed, 2 ECTS points are awarded. Please contact Andrea Kiemen for specific questions on certificates.

Learning contract
To add this course to your academic record, please fill in a Learning Contract on MOnA before start of the course and with your supervisor as the assessor and follow the instructions of your respective faculty. In case of questions, contact Anja Matthiä at

Please click on the following link to register for the next course Registration


Univerisität Basel, Biozentrum, Spitalstrasse 41, 4056 Basel

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