The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Pharmaceutical Medicines program provides specialist knowledge in the field of drug development at an advanced level. The syllabus of the course program covers all aspects of pharmaceutical medicine and drug development as defined by the International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians IFAPP.
This includes the discovery and development of new medicines, clinical trial methodology, good clinical practice and ethics, pharmacovigilance and epidemiology, biostatistics, regulatory affairs, health economics, project management, marketing and new therapeutic approaches.
The CAS program concludes with a multiple choice examination and is worth 20 ECTS.
The ECPM belongs to the Department of Public Health of the Medical Faculty at the University of Basel and is accredited as “Centre of Excellence” by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) PharmaTrain Executive Board.
All ECPM courses are accredited by IMI PharmaTrain and the International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians (IFAPP) by following the agreed syllabus and quality assurance, and are certified by the University of Basel within the Bologna Title System.