CAS Personalized Molecular Oncology
Certificate of Advanced Studies

Cutting-edge technologies, like next-generation-sequencing (NGS), combined with the development of targeted therapies are now revolutionizing clinical practice, bringing new complexity to the field of oncology. The CAS in Personalized Molecular Oncology aims at providing a comprehensive and integrative view of the field, by covering all the aspects involved along the pipeline: (i) tumor biology and genetics, (ii) molecular pathology, (iii) clinical bioinformatics, and (iv) clinical oncology.

First of its kind in Switzerland, it focuses on the methodologies used to generate, analyze and interpret patients’ molecular profiles, also touching upon the associated technical, regulatory and ethical challenges. As an important outcome, it aims at establishing a common language between the wide range of professionals involved in the personalized oncology process, from biologists, bioinformaticians, pathologists to clinicians, enabling an efficient and better informed use of e.g. genomic data for both routine clinical practice and clinical research. Moreover, it should empower professionals to develop a vision for their own institution, by critically evaluating the potential benefits and limitations of current and future developments in personalized oncology.

The CAS is organized jointly by the University Hospital of Basel, the University Hospital of Lausanne, and the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.

The program consists of 4 modules of 4 days each (on-site presential teaching in Basel and Lausanne). Each module is interactive, with lectures alternating with hands-on sessions, group discussions, on-site lab visits, in addition to home readings and assignments. Please refer to the brochure for detailed module content.

Acquired competencies will be evaluated with an exam at the end of each module. In addition, students will need to complete a mini-thesis on a study case in small multi-disciplinary groups. Altogether, completion of the program is awarded 10 ECTS.

The program is also recognized as continuing medical education (CME) by the following societies:

  • Swiss Society of Medical Oncology: 28 credits per module, 112 credits for the whole CAS.
  • Swiss Society of Hematology: 28 credits per module, 112 credits for the whole CAS.
  • Swiss Society of Pathology: 56 pathology-specific credits, 56 non-specific CME credits.
  • Swiss Society of Medical Genetics: 24 credits for module 1, 32 credits for the whole CAS.
  • Swiss Society for Radiation Oncology: 28 credits per module, 112 credits for the whole CAS.
  • FAMH in medical genetics: 24 credits for module 1 (tumor biology and genetics).

Participants interested in attending only one module are also welcome, and will receive a short course certificate with 2 ECTS, provided they pass the exam at the end of the module. CME credits may also be requested to the societies above.

The CAS targets an interdisciplinary audience of professionals involved in personalized molecular oncology, including laboratory managers, biologists, bioinformaticians, pathologists, geneticists, clinicians and pharmaceutical company employees.

Applicants are expected to hold a university degree (MSc or MD degree), and will be selected on the basis of their CV and demonstrated interest or experience in personalized oncology.

The course will be taught entirely in English, and homework assignments should be completed in English as well. Hence, a good command of both oral and written English is necessary to attend the CAS.

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Sacha Rothschild, Director of Studies
  • Miriam Tesfai, Program Coordinator

A multidisciplinary team coordinates the modules of the CAS:

Tumor biology and genetics

Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Schoumans Pouw
FAMH specialist in medical genetics
Director of the Oncogenomics Laboratory
Clinical Hematology Service / Laboratory Department
University Hospital Lausanne

Molecular pathology

Prof. Dr. Salvatore Piscuoglio
Research group leader, Institute of Medical Genetics and Pathology
University Hospital Basel
Visceral Surgery and Precision Medicine Research Laboratory,
University of Basel

Prof. Dr. Christian Ruiz
CEO/CSO of Moonlight AI
Titular professor of the Medical Faculty
University of Basel

Prof. Dr. Matthias Matter
Attending physician Pathology and Molecular Pathology FMH
Head of Molecular Pathology Unit
Institute of Pathology
University Hospital Basel

Clinical bioinformatics

Valérie Barbié
Head of Clinical Bioinformatics
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

Dr. Aitana Neves
Associate Director
Clinical Bioinformatics
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

Clinical oncology

Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Wicki
Vice Chairman, Department for Medical Oncology and Hematology (MOH)
Director, Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich (C3Z), Clinical Program
University Hospital Zurich

Prof. Dr. Dr. Sacha Rothschild
Head Oncology/Hematology Director Comprehensive Cancer Center
Cantonal Hospital Baden

PD Dr. Dr. Benjamin Kasenda
Specialist in Medical Oncology (FMH)
Specialist in Internal Medicine and Haematology and Oncology (D)
Senior physician, Medical Oncology
University Hospital Basel

In addition, internal/external lecturers will be appointed as required to present state-of-the-art techniques, methods and research.

Miriam Tesfai
Clinical Bioinformatics
SIB | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
CMU - Rue Michel-Servet 1
CH-1206 Genève

Tel. +41 22 379 58 47

Fee for attending the whole CAS: CHF 6'000
Fee for attending a single module: CHF 2'000

These fees include course materials, lab visits, and exams. Please note that travel costs and accommodation are at the charge of participants.

The course fee for the whole CAS may be paid at once or in two equal tranches 6 months apart at no further cost. The fee for attending a single module must be paid before the start of the module.

Cancellation and withdrawal
- Cancellation prior to the enrollment closing date will not be subject to any charge.
- After the enrollment closing date and before the start of the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Personalized Molecular Oncology, cancellation will be charged CHF 600 to account for administrative fees.
- From the first day of training, the whole registration fee is due.

Requests for postponing or cancellation must be submitted by email to the Program Coordinator.

Next start: November 2025

Faculty of Medicine of the University of Basel

Date and Venue
The next session of the CAS will start in November 2025.
The whole Program lasts for 10-12 months ( Modules take place alternately in Basel and Lausanne, and consist of 4 days of presential teaching, over two Friday-Saturday sessions.
Please see Schedule 2025 - 2026 for dates and times.

Applications for the CAS session 2025-2026 are now open and will close on 30th September 2025.
Please see Schedule below for the dates in 2025 and 2026.

Participants interested in joining single modules of the CAS are welcome to apply by sending an email with their CV to (latest 3 weeks before the start of the module of interest).

mit * gekennzeichnete Felder sind Pflichtfelder


Universitätsspital Basel Schönbeinstrasse 40, 4056 Basel

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