CAS Combating Financial Crime Through Asset Recovery
Certificate of Advanced Studies

The "CAS Combating Financial Crime Through Asset Recovery" deals with central phenomena and mechanisms of global financial crime and how to combat them, which are important for experts in the field of combating corruption and money laundering. It analyses the complexity of international investigations in the areas of corruption and money laundering. The focus is on established procedures for asset recovery and fundamental frameworks, methods and challenges. This includes the legal basis in a global context and in various jurisdictions, financial investigation techniques, the importance of new technical tools and artificial intelligence, cross-border cooperation, different legal traditions, relevant human rights issues and the involvement of stakeholders.

In this study programme, participants acquire a sound understanding of asset recovery and develop the critical thinking and skills required to successfully master the challenges in this area and make an effective contribution to the fight against corruption and money laundering. This is achieved by teaching the relevant political, legal and economic backgrounds and by working through the procedure in a practice-oriented way. The programme also serves as a platform for international experts to exchange experiences and promote cross-sector co-operation.

The examples used in the continuing education programme are based on the many years of work and expertise of the Basel Institute on Governance and its teams, in particular the experience of the International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) in these subject areas and in various regions of the world.

The content of the programme takes into account the current state of research, teaching and application.

The programme comprises 10 ECTS credits with a total study period of six months. It consists of an introduction and a conclusion module, two thematic modules, an application module covering procedures in asset recovery investigations and case examples, a study project (CAS project) that runs parallel to the modules and an online discussion forum.

The mode of delivery is mainly online with weekly interactive live sessions. Introduction and conclusion events will be held on-site in Basel; in-person presence is recommended, but not obligatory (sessions can be followed online).

Participants and instructors come from a range of disciplines, countries, and professional backgrounds. This offers diverse perspectives at international, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral levels. The CAS creates an ideal learning experience by incorporating a variety of educational methods. It thrives on dynamic exchanges of experiences, ideas, and collaborative learning between participants and instructors.

Updated information and current dates are listed on the Basel Institute’s programme web page.

Programme language: English

This CAS aims at experienced professionals with a background in various disciplines who are (or will be) professionally involved in financial crime investigation, anti-corruption, governance or related topics and would like to benefit from an interdisciplinary approach. This includes employees of public authorities and institutions, civil society, multilateral and private-sector organisations, law firms as well as media and educational institutions.

The following requirements must be met for admission to the study programme:

  • a degree (Bachelor's or Master's) from a university recognised by the University of Basel;
  • professional experience in relevant areas for at least three years.

In justified exceptional cases, candidates may be admitted to the programme if they can provide evidence of an adequate professional background and appropriate professional qualifications.

  • Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bailer, Chair of the Study Programme Committee (Vorsitz Studiengangkommission)
  • Dr. Jörg Schmidt, Study Programme Manager (Studiengangleitung)

Instructors and contributors from the Basel Institute on Governance, the University of Basel and other academic institutions, international and non-governmental organisations worldwide.

Basel Institute on Governance
Steinenring 60
CH-4051 Basel

Tel. +41 61 201 18 25

CHF 5’600

Travel, food and accommodation costs to participate in optional in-person events are not included in the fee.

Kurs beginnt am:
Donnerstag, 05.02.2026
Kurs endet am:
Sonntag, 26.07.2026

Further information about the study program can be found on:

CAS Combating Financial Crime Through Asset Recovery

Basel Institute on Governance, an associated institute of the University of Basel

If you are interested to participate, please register here and you will be informed about the opening of registration.


Basel Institute on Governance Steinenring 60, 4051 Basel

On-site elements will be conducted at
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