Weiterbildungskurse ECPM
Short Course

ECPM is dedicated to being the leading university institute for medicines and drug development in Europe. ECPM comprises an education/training and a research department. We focus on dedicated training programs for drug development specialists. Sign up for our postgraduate Diploma Course and advance your career with a Diploma or Master of Advanced Studies in Pharmaceutical Medicine and Medicines Development or try one of our short courses. You can find all relevant information on our website

The ECPM teaching faculty consists of an international network of about +150 experts from academia, pharmaceutical industry, international organizations (e.g. WHO) and from regulatory authorities (e.g. EMA, FDA and local authorities).

European Center of Pharmaceutical Medicine (ECPM)
Institute of Pharmaceutical Medicine
University of Basel
Nikki Liversidge
Klingelbergstrasse 61
CH-4056 Basel

Phone +41 61 207 19 50
Fax +41 61 207 19 48

Medical Faculty of the University of Basel

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