This course consists of five online training modules. At the end of each module, acquired competencies will be checked by an online quiz.
Welcome and introduction: Why is human research regulated?, Clinical trials versus human research projects, Definitions and synonyms
Module 1: «Key aspects of HRO projects» Types of HRO projects, Categorisation of HRO projects, Responsibilities and qualifications, Contracts and insurances, Informed consent, Handling of data and samples, Data registries and biobanks, Authorisation and reporting
Module 2A: «HRO projects based on the collection of biological samples and health-related data» Informed consent, Handling of data and samples, Authorisation and reporting
Module 2B: «HRO projects involving further use of existing samples and data» Informed consent, Handling of data and samples, Authorisation and reporting
Module 3: «Further aspects when conducting HRO projects» Ensuring project quality, Setting up your project, Project completion
Duration: approx. 2-4h, depending on previous knowledge and personal needs