CAS Sustainable Real Estate
Certificate of Advanced Studies

Cultivate the expertise to drive sustainable change in real estate. Connect with a diverse, global community of experts.

Do you have a passion for advancing sustainability where it truly counts? Unlock your potential to transform real estate investment for a sustainable future with the “CAS in Sustainable Real Estate” organized by the Faculty of Business and Economics in collaboration with Wüest Partner AG Zürich, one of the leading real estate services providers in Switzerland.

ESG in the real estate sector has become an important topic, as a high proportion of greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption can be attributed to the building stock. Corresponding standards, their further development and strategies in the real estate industry are important beyond national borders.

The program focuses on the analysis, evaluation and transformation of real estate investments and real estate portfolios with regard to sustainability. It combines the latest academic research in the areas of sustainable real estate and real estate markets with comprehensive practical knowledge in the field of sustainable real estate management.

The core elements of the curriculum build upon the subject areas of real estate economics (real estate investments and real estate markets), ecological framework conditions (energy and climate policy), the social environment (real estate development and spatial planning) and the interfaces between these three areas.

Module structure:

  • Module 1: Sustainable Real Estate
  • Module 2: Emissions and Energy
  • Module 3: Sustainability and Economic Viability
  • Module 4: Real Estate Market
  • Module 5: Real Estate Investment
  • Module 6: Sustainability Strategies
  • Module 7: Establishing Sustainability with Policy?
  • Module 8: The Society and the Economy
  • Module 9: Societal Attitudes towards Sustainable Real Estate
  • Module 10: Knowledge Transfer

The program comprises 12 ECTS credits with a maximum study period of 6 months.

Course Language: English

The program is aimed at an ambitious and international clientele who wants to build up and hone their skills in the field of sustainable real estate investment and development.
Participants have either gained experience in the real estate sector, e.g., in real estate investment, construction, finance or administration, or they would like to develop their skills in this area.
They are looking for a part-time continuing education program that combines a high academic level with professional practice.

The following requirements must be met for admission to the program:

  • a completed degree (Bachelor's or Master's) from a university recognized by the University of Basel
  • 3 to 5 years of successful professional experience in the real estate sector
  • Written and spoken English (recommended level B2/C1)

Candidates who can provide evidence of an adequate professional background and corresponding professional qualifications may be admitted to the program.

  • Prof. Dr. Pascal Gantenbein

Highly qualified lecturers from academia as well as from the industry stand for the quality of the program.

Claudia Moret
University of Basel
Faculty of Business and Economics
Peter Merian-Weg 6
CH-4002 Basel

+41 61 207 69 69

CHF 9'500

The tuition fee includes fees for examinations, teaching and learning materials, but does not include costs for special services such as travel or accommodation. Once admission to the course has been confirmed, the entire tuition fee is due. The tuition fee can be paid in three partial payments.

Course starts on:
Thursday, 27.03.2025
Course ends on:
Saturday, 20.09.2025
Application Deadline:
Saturday, 01.03.2025

Nähere Informationen zum Studiengang finden Sie unter:

CAS Sustainable Real Estate

Faculty of Business and Economics

in collaboration with Wüest Partner AG Zürich


Universität Basel, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Peter-Merian Weg 6, 4052 Basel

and Offices of Wüest Partner AG, Alte Börse, Bleichewg 5, Zürich
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